Koh Kazama



A New York City native, Koh Kazama is a concert guitarist and educator exposing audiences to the endless possibilities of the classical guitar. He started his guitar studies at the age of six, after being inspired by a Japanese rock musician. His diverse repertoire ranges from early music played on period instruments to contemporary music using electronic effects.

Dr. Kazama has performed in renowned venues, festivals, and concert series, including Carnegie Hall, Miami International GuitART Festival, Long Island Guitar Festival, Killington Music Festival, Symphony Space, Webster Hall, WNYC New Sounds Live series, Morse Hall (Juilliard), Mid-Hudson Classical Guitar Society, and Yale Guitar Extravaganza. He has also premiered works by a wide range of prominent composers, including Michael White (Juilliard), David Lang (Yale), William Anderson (Queens College), Paula Matthusen (Wesleyan), and Kendall Williams.

Dr. Kazama holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Stony Brook University, where he was a scholarship student and teaching assistant of the guitar department. He completed his Bachelor of Arts in psychology, Master of Music, and Artist Diploma at Yale University. He received a full scholarship to attend Yale, and he was the recipient of the Eliot Fisk Prize, which was awarded to an outstanding guitarist whose artistic achievements and dedication have contributed greatly to the department. He attended LaGuardia Arts High School in New York City, where he majored in cello and was part of the LaGuardia Symphony Orchestra. His major teachers have included Jerry Willard, Benjamin Verdery, Simon Powis, Liam Wood, Nadav Lev, and David Gonzalez. 

Dr. Kazama is also a dedicated teacher who has experience teaching guitar to students of various levels and ages. He is currently on the faculty at New World School of the Arts, a partner of Miami Dade College, University of Florida, and Dade County Public Schools in Miami. He has previously taught as a guitar instructor at Yale University and Stony Brook University. He is also a former faculty member and alumnus of Third Street Music School Settlement, the longest-running community music school in the United States.

In addition to his teaching and performing, Dr. Kazama has contributed publications and learning resources to the guitar community. He co-founded Monologue Publications, which is dedicated to creating solo and chamber music arrangements for guitar that include thoroughly researched historical and stylistic information for the player. He is also the co-founder of Leyenda, an online graded classical guitar database.

In his spare time, Dr. Kazama enjoys playing soccer, snowboarding, and eating Japanese food.




Playing at Rosemarie Schiller’s “Walking the Walk”



マイアミインターナショナル GuitART フェスティバル、Killington ミュージックフェスティバル、 ニューヨークのロング–アイランド–ギターフェスティバル、 ニューヨーク–Mid-Hudson–クラシックギター–ソサエティーにおけるソロリサイタル、 ジュリアード音楽院 Morse Hall、ニューヨーク市公立図書館のMusic @NYPL シリーズ、 Bartlett Arboretum –サマー–コンサート–シリーズなど、アメリカニューヨーク州やコネチカット州でリサイタルを数多く行っている。室内楽奏者としては、イェール大学 Guitar Extravaganza –フェスティバルや、WNYCラジオNew Sounds Live シリーズ、カーネギーホール–デビューとなった Ears Open Concertでも演奏。また、様々な著名な作曲家ーMichael White (ジュリアード音楽院)、 David Lang (イェール大学)、 William Anderson (クィーンズ大学)、 Paula Matthusen (Wesleyan大学)、  Kendall Williamsーの作品の世界初演をした。

ニューヨーク–ストーニーブルック大学で音楽博士号を取得。在学中は奨学金を受け、またギター科の教授助手を務める。イェール大学心理学科卒業、イェール大学院音楽修士及び Artist Diploma。イェール大学院では 奨学生として全額援助を受ける。また、同大学院では、エリオット–フィスク賞(在学中に音楽的才能を伸ばし、かつ大学院に貢献し、傑出したギターリストに贈られる賞)を受賞。

高校は、Fame Schoolとして有名なNYCのLaGuardia Arts High Schoolを卒業。高校では、チェロを専攻。

過去にJerry Willard, Benjamin Verdery, Simon Powis, Liam Wood, Nadav Lev,  David Gonzalezに師事。

演奏のかたわらギター教育にも携わり、現在、New World School of the Arts (Miami Dade College/フロリダ大学)で教鞭を執る。過去にはイェール大学、ストーニーブルックニューヨーク州立大学で初心者から上級者、ニューヨーク–マンハッタンにあるアメリカで最古のミュージックスクールのThird Street Music Schoolでも教鞭をとった。

ギター教育と演奏の他、ギター譜の出版とギター音楽のリソースにも貢献している。ギターリストの Ming-Jui Liu とMonologue Publicationsを共同で発足。Monologue Publicationsは、リサーチに基づいた作品の歴史やスタイルの知識を供述した、ソロ及び室内楽作品のギターアレンジメントをオンラインで出版。この他、クラシックギター音楽データベースのウェブサイト、Leyendaも共同で立ち上げる。


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